ding ding

for amplified table, objects and voice



钉钉 (ding4 ding1) mandarin fix a nail
叮叮 (ding1 ding1) mandarin, onomatopoeia: the sound of a small object
丁 (ding1) mandarin population
丁丁 (ding1 ding1) mandarin, common nickname
定定 (ding4 ding4) mandarin make stable; calm down

The woman was holding the door open for the woman with the stroller. I wasn't sure if she would hold it for me too, or if she would come out first. It turned out that she was holding the door from the inside, she was about to go into the store as well.

I had just put three gala apples in my basket when the woman who had held the door open asked me, "Do you know if there are any gala apples?" "These are gala apples,“ I told her, and just to make sure, I checked the label again and showed it to her.

It seemed there was only one way through the store to the cashier, so I had to walk behind the woman. She stepped aside. "Go ahead," she said.

Commissioned by the series READY MAKING by Janine Eisenächer and Steffi Weismann. Premiered on 23 May, 2021 at READY MAKING #3. Sonic Affordances, Errant Sound project space Berlin, live-stream via internet.
